Thoughts on Life

Everything can change in a snap
Relationships begin with a simple conversation
Life can end with one decision

Nothing remains the same
We constantly evolve
We learn
We get hurt
We succeed
We fail
We love
We grieve

Each passing moment changing us
We are never really the same person

Accepting the Darkness

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present

– Francis Bacon

We are made up of both light and dark, good and bad, male and female traits. More often than not we identify with the light and the good because it is what we have been conditioned by society to believe as what is proper. We reject or suppress what we consider as “bad” never fully accepting who we are. This is where it all the confusion comes in because in denying who we are we tend to lose ourselves. We have to accept the darkness in our nature. Not necessarily to act on it, but to acknowledge it and regulate ourselves. It is only in truly knowing who we are and accepting who we are can love ourselves unconditionally. It is cruelty to the self to deny and suppress who we are.



Choose Kindness and Understanding

When you feel like you have lost all hope because the world has been so cruel stand up and face the world again. Do not lose your goodness, do not be afraid to get hurt, and do not become jaded. Yes, people will probably hurt you again even if you do not do anything to them, but you do not have to spread the cruelty.

You know what it feels like to be hurt by people so why do it to other people? Why spread the hate? Since, you understand how it painful its is why not choose kindness and understanding instead.Understand why the person who was cruel to you did it often it is a failing on their part that led them to make you a victim of their cruelty.

Choose kindness to other people even if there is a risk that they might hurt you. There is enough cruelty in the world spread love instead. If you can reach one person with kindness and inspire them to be a better person then they in turn can show the same kindness to other people.